2020.12.07 |
Conference booklet has uploaded |
2020.11.24 |
Detailed technical program has uploaded |
2020.11.19 |
Time Table Version 2020.11.19 has uploaded |
2020.09.01 |
The online submission for extended abstract (optional) is now open until 16 October, 2020. |
2020.07.17 |
The deadline for abstract submission is extended to 31st Jul. 2020 |
2020.05.15 |
Online abstract submission and regstration has opened |
2020.03.24 |
3rd Annoucement has been uploaded |
2020.02.26 |
The new dates of COMPSAFE2020 are 8-11 December, 2020. |
2018.07.20 |
Open: COMPSAFE2020 site |